Soft-skills for multicultural health services.
Methods and tecniques

Loretta Fabbri, Alessandra Romano

The Course is addressed to professionals working in multicultural health services. Minimum number of participants: 25.
Study grants financing registration fees are foreseen for participants. The Course will be taken at the Department of Science of Education, Human Science and Intercultural Communication (DSFUCI-Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy).
Online lessons will be provided by the Moodle platform.
During the 2019, four meetings (february 28, march 8, april 2, april 4) with stakeholders coming from health services have been taken in order to carry out the training needs analysis, through which we have identified the main topics of the Course such as: managing the cultural diversity in the relations among professionals and patients, transcultural nursing, intercultural communication tecniques, methodologies for managing critical events in health contexts, cultural diversity in taking care practices, development of community of practices among patients and professionals.
The topics reported above will be added to the focus of the Project: etnographic analysis of multicultural life and work contexts, International management experiences of radicalization.
The Course is aimed at: 1) identifying distortions and prejudices which characterize the organizational contexts in order to promote diversity management practices; 2) increasing knoweldge about existing protocols at the National and International level in order to explore behaviors at risk of radicalization and manage intercultural conflictual relationships in health organizations.
The Course “Soft-skills for multicultural health services. Methods and tecniques” is provided for the Course n.3 of the Forward Project (as it has been reviewed in the Executive Project, January 2019): models, instruments and methods for managing practices at work and coexistance in highly multicultural contexts.

Courses in presence: two weekends (12 hours)

October 4th, 2019 (3.30 p.m-7.30 p.m)
October 5th, 2019 (9.00 a.m.-1.00 p.m/ 2.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m.)

November 15th, 2019 (2.00 p.m-6.00 p.m)
November 16th, 2019 (9.00 a.m.-1.00 p.m/ 2.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m.)

Two lessons provided by online platforms

Synchronous mode. Participants will be supported by two tutors from the University of Siena (4 hours)

Five modules (4 hours)

Asynchronous mode provided by online platforms (20 hours)
